So I've has good news and bad news around here. I'll start with some of the good.
Matucana madisoniorum is flowering again. I love this cactus, the red blooms are stunning.
M. madisoniorum |
Rebutia muscula stopped flowering for about a month there, then threw out a few more flowers recently.
R. muscula |
And Gymnocalycium mihanovichii is flowering again too.
G. mihanovichii |
However, we had about 2 weeks straight of rain. It's humid here in the summers as is without that kind of weather so I wasn't terribly surprised when I noticed some mites on a few of the cacti. Well, a few means they probably all have some so I decided to use my Ortho
® Rose Pride insecticide spray (I love it) that works so well for mites, aphids, etc. This worked great on the cacti too.......for the most part. Although it did do what it was supposed to and kill mites, it also burnt the crap out of 3 cacti and 1 succulent. It was probably my fault and I put too much on some of them, or maybe they had more sensitive skin. Either way, chemical burns ensued.
Echeveria 'Lola' |
Gymnocalycium pflanzii var albipulpa |
Gymnocalycium baldianum and Echinopsis subdenudata....NOOOOOO! |
OUCH! Sucks big time. The Echinopsis got hit the hardest, (of course, my favorite one.) Everything is growing out fine though, and the burns have not spread past there original size. I may have to cut off some of the dead spots. I already resprayed the Echinopsis for fungus, as that was growing on the dead skin. NOT FUN. At the end of the day, it's really just cosmetic damage, the plant's will be fine. However, I'll use Mite-X or something else, now that I know they all aren't fine with the Ortho.
Oh, but to not leave on a bad note, my Haworthia reinwardtii that a friend gave me earlier this summer is going to bloom. I'll put up some more pics of that one when it does.
On the right, Haworthia reinwardtii |