
Tuesday, June 19, 2012


I've been growing plants and following others blogs about plants for years now. I figured it was time to start my own now that I have a little free time. I grow mostly carnivorous plants, orchids, cacti, and other succulents in an apartment in New York State. This makes for some challenges, but I've been successful overall so far. I always like a new challenge though, so we'll see where this hobby (obsession?) goes.

I should've really started this blog in the spring. There is and was a lot going on plant related around here, but there was also a lot life related things going on too. I'll probably update this more than usual for a bit to catch up. It's been a good spring for plants!


  1. Great blog Melody; love reading your posts and seeing you plant photos. Congrats on starting a plant blog. Looking forward to seeing what other weird and wonderful things you have growing in your space. :-)

    1. Thank you! I'll be trying my best to keep it fun for everyone. I'm always on the lookout for weird or interesting looking plants!
