
Friday, June 22, 2012

A Few Cacti Updates

Rebutia muscula might be the winner this year so far, just for looking good. There are awards for such things. These pictures were taken only a couple weeks apart from each other, with new flowers in each picture. Every time the flowers start to fade, new buds start forming. The flowers last about 3-5 days, but that's totally fine, especially seeing as how it's just going to keep making more. I have to try taking pictures of this guy with a different camera, the color just isn't doing it the justice it deserves. In reality, they're a neon tangerine color. Really stunning.

R. muscula, Round #1
R. muscula, Round #2
R. muscula, Round #3. Needed a repot by now.

Gymnocalycium anisitsii was my first cactus ever. I remember buying it, really liking it's geometric shape. This was it's first bloom for me, earlier in the spring. G. anisitsii and Parodia fusca, (other cactus pictured,) were the only ones that had started forming flower buds as soon as the light started to get much stronger by about the beginning of April.

G. anisitsii in late April

G. anisitsii 1st bloom of the season!

Yesterday this one opened up, I think it's #3 for this year. It's much smaller and I'm not sure why. Maybe I haven't been watering it enough? It's possible that it's actually getting too much sun. I may move it, Gymnocalyciums don't naturally grow in full, all day sun. I figured this far above the equator I'd be safe with the almost all day sun it's been getting, but I might be wrong.

G. anisitsii 6/21/12

Last but not least, in Echinopsis subdenudata news, 4 more flowers at once. I also love how it almost looks ridiculous with it's buds so far away from the plant. It's not like it has any significant spines it has to clear before it can open, must be not so easy to attract it's pollinators if it's flowers are too close to the ground.

Ready to go, around 7pm last night.
Didn't even notice the Aloinopsis blooming in the background when I took the photo
5 am, I was a bit late
Already starting to close with the sunlight
As you can see from the pictures, there's also a few more cacti with buds that should bloom within the next month too.


  1. Gorgeous Collection Mel
    All of your plants look so happy and healthy, I especially like the Rebutia muscula!

    1. Thanks so much!It's becoming one of my favorites too.

  2. The G. anisitsii has a very pretty bloom.

    1. Agreed! Light pink is a nice opposition to the severity of a spiky plant.
