
Monday, August 27, 2012

Why did I not upload these earlier: Philadelphia Flower Show 2012

We take too many pictures of plants. We have a 1 terabyte external hard drive that's filled exclusively with music and pictures. We need another for everything else/a back up. Organizing everything was a huge project, but it benefits you guys because I keep finding things and wondering why I didn't think to share sooner.

I picked out some of the better pictures we took at the 2012 Philadelphia Flower Show. We've gone the past 2 years and it's always a good time. The exceptionally bright lighting there makes for difficult pictures, so these were the best of the bunch. I labeled the ones I could, but if you know the name of something that isn't labeled please let me know in the comments. I wish I had written down more names, but it gets so packed with people at the convention center that it's difficult just to be able to see everything.

Anyway, lots of pictures of mostly orchids and cacti below. Enjoy!

Strelitzia nicolai


Dendrobium unicum

Paphiopedilum hybrid

Phragmipedium hybrid

Laelia purpurata (Thanks Michael for the ID)

Phalaenopsis stuartiana. Bought one of these at the show after seeing this one.

A few bonsai displays

I think this was my favorite. I love deciduous bonsai'd trees.

I love the bark on this one.

Next: Cacti and Succulent judging and displays!

Philadelphia C&S Society members plants

This nice Mammillaria

Awesome Notocactus scopa clump.

Cool Lithops diplay.

Out of bloom succulent display

Great potting for a display, or THE GREATEST potting for a display?

Really nice Astrophytum asterias, possibly a 'Super Kabuto' like cultivar?

Fuzzy Mammillaria

Astrophytum capricorne

Uelbelmannia pectinifera

Gasteria ellaphieae

Crassula columnella (Thanks LT for the ID,) too cute.

Crassula "Springtime' (Thanks LT for the ID.) This one was very tiny.

I don't know, but this is an awesome clump of cactus.
I know better than to touch displays, but it was difficult to keep my hands to myself with this one.
Normally I'm a cactus touch-er! Spikes be damned, I'll pull 'em out of my hand later

Next: Some AOS orchid judging and displays

Specimen Dendrobium kingianum

Close up of a D. kingianum flower.

Epidendrum hybrid.

Lycaste 'Arcadian Sunrise'. I love this one!

Very nice Paph hybrid, wish I could remember the name.

Phalaenopsis hybrid about to really start blooming

Cattleya hybrid

Vanda tricolor (Thanks Antonio for the ID.) I love this one as well!
Phaius tankervilleae (Thanks Michael for the ID)

Catasetum 'Pink Lemonade'. I killed one of these years ago, wishing I still had it looking at this picture.

Flower close up

Dendrobium spectabile. It'll be 10 years until mine's this size, lol!

I just like Nobile-type dendobiums, gotta get one someday.

View of Center City, Philadelphia PA, from our hotel room. It's pretty gray and cold still in March.

Hope you enjoyed the pictures!
I've got a ton more from the 2011 Show if you all want more.


  1. Something's wrong with all the pictures prior to "out of bloom succulent display;" all the shows up is a long, gibberishy web address. (" . . .")

    1. Thanks Mr. S! That's what I get for trying to upload it from email. My netbook being a different version of windows than the PC (which is home to the external drive at the moment) means they don't like to share 9 out of 10 times and email turned out to be the fastest way to transfer. Won't try that again. It should be fine now, I uploaded it the "normal" blogger way.

    2. They're all fixed now except for "I love the bark on this one."

    3. Son of a b! Tried it one more time. They've always showed up fine for me so hopefully that works.

  2. Great exposure, Did you have to explore great..the vanda tricolor is wonderful and the photo above seems Lc. Tropical Pointer.
    Thanks for sharing

    1. Thanks Antonio. I'll relabel the vanda, that sounds familiar. The catt hybrid may be a Lc. tropical pointer, or a hybrid with, it's hard to say with so many that look similar.

  3. Very cool. i love big plant shows, the variety is astounding, i still haven't finished looking at the photos but the Catlleya ifeellikeIknowthenamebutforgot, looks to me like laelia purpurata.

    that phal stuartiana is incredible, i would have bought one too if i'd seen that.... never seen them for sale here in Aus..... though i must admit i don't pay too much attention to phals.

    loved those cacti and succulents, i wish i knew the name of mine... they're flowering at the moment, i'll try get some photos to blog so i can show you :D

    and that kingianum. i saw a specimen of that on the weekend but it wasn't in flower, so to see your photo was just a delight

    as for the epi hybrid it might be Epi Wedding Valley “Sakura Komachi” or a close hybrid

    and that phaius tankervilleae, JUST TO DIE FOR!, GIMME GIMME GIMME!

    and i just love catasetum, and my mum is fascinated by den. spectabile.... so am i, i must get one one day :D..... one day ;)

    thanks for the photos :D

    1. Thanks Michael, it totally is a L. purpurata, I knew it! And the Phaius, it is a tankervilleae? I'll go ahead and update the names your sure of. I have a small D. kingianum, and it didn't even bloom this year, I was pissed after it smelled so great last year. I have a hard time with Dends, not sure why.

      Definitely put up some cacti pics, I'll try and ID them for you.

  4. Great view on show. Thanks. The 2 Crassulas, first one C. columnella and second looks like C. 'springtime'. LT

    1. Thank you LT! 'Springtime' is pretty popular, I thought it looked like one. I'll add in the names.

  5. I was just in Philly a few weeks ago...when was this???? I want to go next year!!!!!! amazing plants ,great pictures....

    1. The Philadelphia International Flower show is every year in March. 2013's show: Definitely go if you are in reasonable driving distance, there so many displays and vendors it would've been unreasonable to upload all the pictures on here!

  6. Wow, such quality plants and great displays. Great photos too Melody. Paphiopedilum hybrid, Phragmipedium hybrid, "Cool Lithops diplay", and Lycaste 'Arcadian Sunrise' are my favourites. :)

    1. Thanks, hoping I'll be able to go again next year it's always a great show. I'm in love with that Lycaste, I have to find one!
