
Thursday, September 27, 2012

Succulents doing things

Looks like I should have some blooms soon. Although it's been a slow month with the cooler weather setting in, the fall bloomers are getting ready to go.

This little unidentified Lithops below will hopefully bloom soon, at least from one of the heads. This one I've had the longest, 2 years, but will be the 1st bloom for me. If anyone has an ID for this guy, I'd appreciate it. Also, I know it needs a repot. Growing mesembs is not my thing and I'm still in learning mode. I've been too hesitant to mess with it. I'll repot it after it flowers though for sure.

NOID Lithops

Next there's one of my Faucaria felina ssp. tuberculosa. A knowledgeable reader re-identified this one for me as it was purchased under the label Faucaria tigrina. I'm becoming increasingly convinced it's felina ssp. tuberculosa.It's got some weird growths that I'm hoping will be blooms. It should certainly be old/mature enough by now to bloom.

Faucaria felina ssp. tuberculosa
 Then there's my standard form Faucaria felina. Also making the same growths, (top and lower left heads,) and is about the same age as the ssp. tuberculosa.

Faucaria felina
And lastly how long do I have to wait for this Stapelia to bloom!!! I can't handle this plant right now. If I could stop checking on it I would. Why can't I like fast growing easy blooming plants like normal gardeners?

NOID Stapelia
The bud is bigger, and seeing as how it's still not ready to open I'd put money on it being a S. gigantea or something similar.


  1. Fun pics! At least you have a flower bud at all on your Stapelia, I have never even gotten that far with mine(2 years from clippings now). I guess I am lucky I like foliage more than flowers :) Keep up the good work, and repot update pics!

    1. They are slow from clippings! I have another Stapelia that is a one stem cutting. It just now, one year later started growing another stem. Once they get going with multiple growths, watch out, they go nuts, so I;m sure yours will be just a matter of time.

  2. Could be a L. karasmontana or L. ruschiorum as 2 options you can look at. Best guess! Faucaria's look good.

    1. Thanks LT! I'll have a look at those. Lithops don't look too easy to ID, too many look real similar sometimes.

    2. Yip, most mine I got from nurseries, I can in general give some clarification with a ? Some of the variants really blend into each other's species.

  3. Exciting times Melody! Cannot wait to see their blooms esp. the Stapelia. Will it be purple? Best. :)

    1. Yup, I've got my fingers crossed that everything blooms. I'm still not sure about the Stapelia, the bud just keeps getting bigger, but no bloom yet.
