
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Stapelia grandiflora, some more pictures

I sent some pictures around and everyone polled was of the opinion that my unknown Stapelia is indeed grandiflora and not a hybrid. So here's some more pictures of it now that the flower has opened all the way!

I like how it curled around the pot

This is my favorite picture of all the ones we took

Busy day for flies

So hairy!

If I stick my nose real close to the flower there is a faint bad smell. I was almost hoping it would be worse, only because then I could smell it in all its rotten glory. It's nice that it's not that bad though, because it will have to some inside shortly, the lows have been dipping into the mid 30s (2.2° C) at night sometimes.

The fact that I have fly eggs on it makes me want to leave it outside as long as possible though. Ick!


  1. They do not last that long, so you may just snipp it in a day or 2..eeck, agreed!

    1. Parabéns pela planta, é linda.

    2. Ok, good because it's making another one.

  2. Such an awesome plant and flower! I'm so getting one, even if it smells bad & is a fly magnet, although the fly eggs is pretty impressive, lol. Love the hairy purple petals. What do they feel like?

    1. Yes definitely get one. They grow so fast over the summer it's fun to watch. They feel almost like the petals of "waxy" flowers, stiffer and thicker than it looked like it would be. The hairs are flexible, but thick too. Very different, it did a good job for a plant at making it's flower look and feel like animal fur!

    2. That sounds awesome! It's on the list, as well as an Amorphophallus.
