
Sunday, November 18, 2012

Woot! Birthday Gifts!

I know I said that if my Tillandsia bulbosa did well here that I'd probably look into getting some more. They're nice and wacky looking, plus small sized ones work well for the space issues of apartment growing. A super nice friend sent me this Tillandsia butzii for my birthday. So hooray, my collection has increased to two! Thank you again!

The whole plant

Flower spike!

What a cool pattern!

My husband had to import this CD for me, Black Sun Empire: Lights and Wires. For those that know me personally you know how much I listen to D&B and how much I love Black Sun Empire, so this is right up there on top of the list of things I really, really, like.

Last but not least, from my mom, (who clearly let me pick out this gift,) a Nepenthes I'm waiting on. It's a good one, I'll share when it gets here. I keep obsessively checking the USPS Track & Confirm website like a crazy person. I cannot handle the anticipation of a package coming in the mail. It's even worse when I can check on it for updates of every sort facility it comes into and leaves en route. I swear Track & Confirm is like a blessing and a curse because I want to know, but can't handle seeing a package get to my post office, but not be out for delivery yet. Or, even worse, it get sent to the wrong place and get rerouted like when I ordered my N. robcantleyi and it took an extra three days to get here. That was a rough one. That was back when robcantleyi was limited in numbers, tiny, and the most expensive plant I'd ever bought, (still is to this day.) Straight up fear was involved.


  1. Seu amigo lhe enviou um corte bem sadio.
    Parabéns pelo presente e pelo aniversário também.
    abraços e um lindo dia

  2. Happy belated (sorry) birthday Melody! Nice gift! Tillies are such interesting plants.

    1. Thank you, no need for apologies, I didn't get around to posting this until about a week after my B-day anyway, lol, I've been busy and so my posts are on a delay too. I'm definitely starting to like Tillies more, just wish they grew a little faster!

  3. I had to look that plant up on Google. I admit it's the first one I have ever seen. Nice plant! I just love birthdays!

    1. Thanks! It's for sure one of the more decorative looking Tillandsias, not one you see everyday, so I'm pretty grateful for a piece of one. Hope I can grow them well here, I really want to see this one bloom.

  4. Happy birthday! Nice Tilly; they are cool plants! Great track too. Never heard of them. Thanks for sharing. Lol, ordering online really does test our patience. :)

    1. I've learned a great deal of patience waiting for plants in the mail, waiting for blooms, waiting for small plants to mature, lol. I think plants in general have taught me patience, never used to have any!
