
Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Nepenthes ventricosa from seed: 1 Year Update!

Happy Birthday, Nepthenthes ventricosa! This is the strongest seedling of the bunch, and one of the few I plan to keep.

N. ventricosa, Sewn November 5th 2012, Germinated last week of November 2012

What a little cutie, can't wait to see what they look like next year. Click for link to previous updates (with links back to the beginning):Nepenthes ventricosa from seed

Coming up: Nepenthes albomarginata red seedlings. Or at least that's what I hope they are. I got these from a less reputable source than the ventricosa, but they are coloring up red, just too early to tell if they are indeed albomarginata and not a hybrid.

N. albomarginata red, Sewn April 30th 2013, Germinated 1st week of June 2013

Still quite small, but germination was...oh I don't know, 90+%? I won't count them. I didn't expect such good germination, otherwise I would've gotten less and stratified better.


  1. Demais, seu cultivo é fantástico.

  2. Im wondering how much space you will need to grow all those little neps :--) great job anyways!

    1. Well, I didn't expect it to go as well as it did, so I don't have the space needed to grow all of them out. I plan on sharing a bit and letting some others take a few off my hands, probably will sell some later on once they're a bit larger. Right now, a 10 gallon tank houses them all, and will probably do for another 6 months.

  3. Congrats on such an awesome success with Nepenthes seed.I am also interested in trying my hand with these especially as not much varieties available in India.If you dont mind,could you please tell me from where can i order fresh Nepenthes seed.I am not able to locate any reliable source.Tried ebay but not good result.Would love to grow Albomarginata Rubra.Thanks...

    1. Hi Neha!
      I'm not sure of the laws regulating seed import in India, as that makes things more complicated. There are some vendors who will send seed to any country, but it may get confiscated by customs if there are regulations you haven't followed. Your best chance is to find others within your country that have adult plants, or maybe try The International Carnivorous Plant Society to point you in the right direction. It's difficult to get viable seed for anyone as having both a female and male blooming at the same time isn't often unless you have a large collection or have had plants for a long time. Sorry I can't send seedlings to you, although I'm not sure they'd be worth the risk or expense of mailing, even if I did have the export permits! Good luck, just keep hunting and try to make some contacts with other growers.

  4. From my experience, only fresh seeds will survive. The problem with on-line seed sources is that we will never know how long they have kept them. And when it comes to seeds, the "positive feedback" in ebay totally lame.

    1. True, Nepenthes seeds have a very short shelf life. However, the problem with eBay is that it's illegal to have them sent to the US without the proper CITES documentation, and most buyers and sellers have neither import or export permits. There is one seller on eBay that sells fresh seeds, but you're taking multiple risks by purchasing them, nonviable seed being the least of your worries. In the US at least you can get fresh Nepenthes seed through the seed bank of the International Carnivorous Plant society, or via making friends with other growers on forums.

  5. Oh nice! How do you prep them for germination? I ask because I have some Nep seed that I'm currently trying to germinate, but haven't seen any progress for a month or so.

    1. My only prep really for Nep seed is a 24 hour soak in distilled water, and possibly a spray of hydrogen peroxide. The fresher the seed the quicker it is to germinate, for the most part. Some species or hybrids will just be faster than others too. Having no germination after a month doesn't mean you've got nothing, some just take that long of a time. The quickest I've ever had germination was 3 weeks, but that was with fairly fresh seed.

      That being said, the prep doesn't matter as much as the conditions you are trying to germinate in. These Nepenthes ventricosa seed for example got absolutely no prep at all. Stratified them straight out of the package they were sent to me in.

  6. Nice. Well, do let us know when you want to start trading off/selling those N. albomarginata reds and ventricosas. And, feel free to take a look at my growlist - - whenever you have stuff for trade.

    1. I have small ventricosa (quarter to nickle sized) available to send now, for those experienced enough to deal with small seedlings. The albomarginata, again I cannot guarantee they are not a hybrid with albomarginata, or are some albo, some of a hybrid. So I am waiting on those to grow out a bit, but would gladly trade or sell some to someone interested in taking a gamble. I have been considering the idea of just adding a for sale/for trade tab to the top of this page as I have to downsize my orchid collection too. Send me an email if you are interested in them small, otherwise maybe keep an eye out for that tab. Also, didn't know you had a cp blog, should've told me sooner so I could follow!
