
Monday, December 24, 2012

A Few Losses and a Few Gained

Happy Holidays! I hope everyone at least gets to enjoy some time off from work or school, whatever you celebrate or even if you don't celebrate anything. I noticed my view count jump up, so maybe if you are on the internet, hiding from your family, you might appreciate something new to read ;)

So, the move wasn't entirely without it's losses. Unfortunately it was the succulents that decided they weren't so thrilled with the Florida weather. To be fair it was the ones that had gone into their winter-almost-no-growth-at-all life cycle already before the move. I think the sudden influx of humidity and rain they got when I didn't take them inside right away is what did them in. Hey, I've been extraordinarily busy, ok? Things should settle down in the next month or so and I can be on top of everything again.

  • Aloinopsis luckhoffii - Meh, I liked it and plan on replacing it at some point, but it wasn't the nicest or most exciting as far as Aloinopsis/Titanopsis go.

  • Lithops NOID - Cute as hell, love the colors on these. I figured it would be worth a shot seeing as how I can do Lithops apparently. I think I understand when not to water and when to watch they don't overheat or burn. I may have to change the media and pots they're in with such different growing conditions but I have more research to do 1st.

  • Aloinopsis schooneesii -Love, love, love it, so excited I found one. Have you seen the way some people have turned these into mini bonsai?!?! Just Google Images the plant name, you won't regret spending the 30 seconds. Now I just have to figure out how to make mine do that.

An excuse to buy a few more cheap little succulents is almost never bad, with the one exception of death. Seriously those two succulents melted in a matter of days. I haven't killed anything in a looooong time, so I guess I was due. I will try to replace that Frithia asap. It had the sweetest little purple flower that I will miss too much not to have around. I would like to have a better collection of weird succulents, but I'm just not so sure I want to deal with Conophytum or any other more difficult mesembs just yet. It's pretty darn humid here year round, not ideal for stuff that needs a dry winter or summer rest. Fingers crossed I can keep the rest of what I have by adjusting my conditions where I can. I'll have to scale back on my watering, and repot into a grittier mix.


  1. Nice gains and well a loss or 2 not too bad - it has happened with all of us. We also have the 80% humidity and one needs to be a little more careful about watering, but you can still have them! Good luck, but you will finds the right "moves/groove" quick enough!

    1. Indeed, I knew it was too good to be true that everything would adjust well and be happy. I see others growing more moisture picky succulents in high humidity places, so I'll just have to relearn how to take care of them. Oh well, always a beginner at something!

  2. They all go to plant heaven sooner or later. Love the new Lithops & yes the Aloinopsis schooneesii is a super cool plant, too. Best!

    1. I hope that I can take care of what I've got forever, heck even pass them on to children if I ever decide to have any! I've got stuff passed down to me, so heaven can wait, lol! I may end up on that Lithops forum shortly though if they start to decline, those I'd really hate to lose.
