
Saturday, December 22, 2012

Brassia Rex 'Tahoma' Blooming

I'm attempting to add pictures via the Blogger app, and it's terrible. It actually worked better before the last update to make it "better." I will have my camera and the rest of my stuff in about a week, so thanks for your patience with my iPhone pictures temporarily.

My Brassia Rex 'Tahoma' had spiked just before I drove it down here to Florida. I am kind of surprised the buds didn't blast, but it should actually be happier here than in NY, so maybe that helped.

Brassia Rex is a hybrid of Brassia verrucosa and Brassia gireoudiana, both very lovely on their own, but this hybrid came out pretty well. A rare combination of the best features of both parents, at least in my opinion. It's also rare that I think a hybrid is nicer than either parent species, but this is one of those few cases where I think it really works.

This is my biggest orchid, overall. It's a heavy one too, I repotted it not to long ago and it wasn't fun. Here's the whole plant.

The flowers of course:

One last bud to still open in the next day or so:


I can't really enlarge the iPhone pictures without them looking terrible, so here's a larger one that I brought over from Instagram too. If the flowers last long enough, I'll replace these photos with better quality ones in the future. Or, there's always next year!


  1. It's a beauty of a plant & blooms. Spectacular flowers! Orchid flowers always look so exotic to me. I love the lime colour too. It's looking really healthy there. Merry xmas! :)

    1. Thanks Ngeun. The flower's spidery look makes them look very exotic. Merry Xmas to you as well, hope you have a good holiday!

  2. WOAH, I'm missing something here. Why are you in Florida and not NY, if it were just a holiday then I assume you wouldn't have taken your plants, so does that mean you've moved? see, this is what happens when school exams are followed by very busy holidays.

    Also, what's your instagram? it'd be nice to follow someone who does photos of orchids :)

    1. Yes, saw your comment on the other post. We had been planning to leave NY after I finished my college degree up there. We wanted to leave sooner but it would've been a waste of time and money to transfer schools again once I had started. We had a few places on our list, but I'm glad Florida was the final decision as it was my 1st choice!

      My Instagram is melody11. It's a mix of everything I grow and interesting nature that I see. Let me know it's you if you follow so I can follow you back. There's a bunch of good IG'ers that take stunning orchid pictures, I'll let you know who else you should totally follow too. No worries on not noticing the move, I've been so busy lately I haven't had much opportunity to update this or look at everybody elses blogs either. Hope your exams went well and you have an awesome holiday!
